alison is located in Southern Maryland. she is a natural light photographer with specializations in sports action and families.
Hey there! I’m alison – with one L. My boys oh my stars my boys. I have three, and they are my moon and stars and all of the atmosphere in between. Not to mention my superhero husband swoons. Our house is always a-buzz with excitement, between those boys and my fur-baby, Cannoli. Love. I’m surrounded by love. I love classic. I love timeless. I love photographs. LOVE them. I love watching cheesy movies and learning the lines and repeating them, over and over and over again. Coffee keeps me alive, I think. Coffee and candy…and cupcakes. Coffee and candy and cupcakes …and cookies. Okay, basically, I’m a sucker for baked goods of just about any kind. I am also a runner. I’m either pounding the pavement during my sons’ practice or training for my next race. The eldest two are lacrosse players and I’m fortunate enough to frequent their sidelines and capture images for their teams. Littlest one now plays the saxophone!
I graduated from the Catholic University of America eons ago with a Bachelor’s in English Literature. Photography wasn’t a major at the time (let me age myself: we did not have digital DSLR cameras yet!), so I took the courses offered at the time. I worked at Ritz Camera. I felt like I really had a grasp on the whole photography-thing and so I went public. Truth be told – I had no idea what I was doing! Those early years were such a learning experience. Many, many gorgeous photographs came from that time as I learned and grew and really developed a style. And after more TWENTY YEARS (!!!) I’m here. I feel comfortable here. And I’m so honored and happy that you’re here and I can’t wait to make you cry. A good, happy, “this is so beautiful” cry. That’s what I want. I want happy tears.