Category Archives: News & Updates

An Ode to Gustav {southern Maryland pet photographer}


Thank you for stumbling into my yard
On the anniversary when Dahmer’s mud eyes left me
When my heart suddenly realized
It wasn’t as full as it should be.
Thank you for having fleas
and toenails into the next zip code.
Thank you for eating Jude’s cupcake
and humping my leg.
And arms.
Thank you for being the smelliest dog
I’ve ever encountered.
In my life.
No farts, breath, or all-around dog body odour
could ever compare to yours.
Thank you for consistently eating
only the left foot of my shoes
and slippers.
Every Lego you poop in the yard
is one less toy I have to clean.


Stitch Fix #5 {southern maryland photographer}

And so today is one of my favorite days every month. My arrived today. And had we not needed to leave in only a few minutes for Graham’s lacrosse game, I’d have checked out and posted this hours ago. Holly knocked it out of the park!

Without further ado…
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Bancroft Leighton Metal Bauble Necklace ($34)
Kept. How much fun is this little gem? Yea, kinda costly overall, but with a 25% Buy 5 Discount… Not to mention I’m pretty lazy about latches, and so the ability to slip this over my noggin and keep moving is an added invaluable bonus.

41Hawthorn Ackley Houndstooth Print Bouse ($68).
Kept. Sigh. Am I ever going to get past loving all things black & white? Not likely. Way to kill it here, Holly. Dressed up or down this is a winner and will be a long-time staple in the wardrobe. My black jeans from Fix #1 and some black flats… yep, my brain is already working on the countless outfit pairings for this shirt!

Mono Reno Carlie Hooded VVest ($58).
Kept. How cute is this hoodie vest!?!? My children and husband (and BFF) mock me when I wear my vest [Stitch Fix #1 and totally I LOVE that vest. The family already told me this one is cute. I see it paired with jeans and a cozy T and my Toms Paseos on the sidelines. No baseball hats for me, though. The collar is such a cute feminine detail for such a typically masculine style vest. I was eye-balling the basic olive version on the internet for the last few weeks. I’m really glad I held out for Stitch Fix. They nailed it. Again.

ruffle back

ruffle front
Market & Spruce Kristah Ruffle Knit Blazer ($78)
Kept. This is way out of my comfort level for budgets, but again, 25% off. And can we please take a moment to look at the back view here, people? The ruffles are so fun. I will definitely pair this with skirts or jeans or my corduroys (that I wear at least once a week, if not more!). If I didn’t have the boys and I in kinda-matchy-but-not-1995-matching shirts for Easter, this would be worn then, too. Maybe it still will…

I had to save this one for last, because we are having a love affair:
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Loveappella Whitnee Button Neck Striped Shift Dress ($64)
Kept. If I got five of these, I’d probably keep all five. This dress is so amazing. It fits insanely well. It was made in the USA (bonus points!). It will be great for work and for weekends. I had a short-sleeved version (without the too-cute button and overlay detail on the shoulders like this one!) that I wore out when pregnant with T&J so maybe I’m just sentimentally attached to navy & white stripes. I’m a sucker for stripes, too.

So this is #4 out of a total 5 fixes that I’ve kept every single item. Good thing I budget for this monthly, right!? 🙂
Don’t forget to sign up using my referral link: Yes, they’ll give me a $25 credit. But you will get more out of it than me!

HUGE news in Stitch Fix

This is not photography related, necessary, but something that is ever so exciting for you Moms-to-be now or in the near future! My favorite mail each month is my box. A personal stylist for only $20 and keep what you want, send back the rest. It’s the greatest invention for lazy women that really don’t like to shop any more. Quality products at affordable prices. Sigh….
Moving on. Though it won’t benefit me ever ever ever again, has added MATERNITY styles! They have petite, too…but as a short woman, I never really had issues with the items they were shipping so that is less exciting. So now all you hot moms-to-be can sign up; get some rad awesome cutey-patooty clothes STAT!