Category Archives: News & Updates

IMG_9322 matte henna My honey helping the boys hang the bird feeders.

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IMG_9330matte henna

IMG_9331 matte henna Wasps made themselves a nice little home in our bird feeder. Glad my honey found this before the boys did!

IMG_9332 cartwheels

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I’ve been slacking. And I’m sorry. To make it for it as much as I possibly can, here are some good ones to view 🙂




My Kleinerhund. <3 Doesn't she look as regal as ever?! smallIMG_7188

Cannoli girl. <3 She has confiscated Gustav's rope. smallIMG_7129

And our newest baby, Gustav (who we have affectionately dubbed “Goose”) <3 smallIMG_7121 …getting his butt sniffed by Nesbit, who doesn’t allow me to take his photo very often.

Inch worm infestation

That’s right.  With the golden setting suns and rising temperatures our yard also this year received an infestation of inch worms.  They’re EVERYWHERE.

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Can I just say how depressing it is when they stop smiling that “squinch” smile and do this solemn “grown-up” look!?
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