Somebody’s getting married

I have been trying to get shots of “the details” as I’ve been planning. In only ten short days, I get to become (officially) Mrs. Curtis. And I am SO EXCITED. This is one of the few that I can share without completely ruining the surprises I’ve been planning for over a year.

One year older

July marks yet another monumental month of birthdays. In the last 10 days we celebrated all three boys’ getting one year older. Jude turned 1 on July 4. Graham turned 9 on July 6. And Thurston turned 3 today, July 14. We partied hard yesterday to celebrate all three and I’m pretty sure everyone had an awesome time.
…and yes, that’s my honey, fully-clothed, on the Slip and Side.


We are under siege by the cicadas! As such, the kids and I took the dogs into the yard to explore and find some of the little buggers. Earlier in the day, my honey sizzled up a dozen or so and he and Thurston ate them. Gross. He said they tasted as great as they sound like they’d taste. Apparently Thurston wanted more. (Not apparently, he video-ed, and it happened.) Boys will be boys.

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Blowing “faeries”

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This face…OH MY GOD

Cannoli and Jude enjoying the grass (now that we finally have some growing there!)

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My gorgeous girl Klein hiding among the roses

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Plucking cicadas and nymph shells from the branches.

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Picking buttercups for Momma

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Little Judebug

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Gross. Coming out of the nymph shell. Yuck.

Easter 2013

Easter is one of my favorite holidays to photograph. The sweet little outfits that it seems every store releases for their spring collection — gah! be still my heart. This is one of the few times a year that manufacturers seem to remember that parents of little boys like their little boys to be handsome, too. As a mother of three boys, I don’t get to take advantage of all the poof and toile and ruffles and lace and pink and sparkle. But I do get newsboy hats and bowties and vests. And in an effort to stay semi-punkrock and let the boys be themselves, they get to wear Converse and new H&M army green hi-tops that don’t match…but do.
My boys <3 SMALL Posed Easter Pics 2013- --  (86 of 315)PCHFZ
SMALL Posed Easter Pics 2013- --  (120 of 315) OLDFILM HRT&SOUL VINTAGE
SMALL Posed Easter Pics 2013- --  (69 of 315) SWPRAIR MOON
SMALL Posed Easter Pics 2013- --  (34 of 315) RAYSOFHOPE
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SMALL Posed Easter Pics 2013- --  (289 of 315) SWPR
SMALL Posed Easter Pics 2013- --  (50 of 315) MOONBEAMS
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So my computer crashed…


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SMALL File0194wondermentand I was offline for a short while. But I’m back in action to share these babies!
It was a really warm day a few weeks ago, so we were outside getting as much of it as possible. It was great!

It’s hard to take pictures of baby Jude when I’m carrying him around, so none of him…and Graham wasn’t home. But I was able to capture my middle children 🙂